Midnight Madness Shopping Trip at Woodbury
On November 24th, midnight, 5 crazy NY nuts are going to Woodbury to be part of the shopping madness! Based on last year's experience, SpringLily started the planning one month ago. Interested parties are gathered, the car is booked in advance and we are set to shop tomorrow. :)
What really happened during the midnight madness sale?
It took us 50 minutes to get into the carpark and it seemed that half of New York was awake and shopping at Woodbury. Unbelieveable - tons and tons of people shopping....
Tons of people also meant queues. The most traffic - Gap, Nike and Northface, probably 200 people outside the store queuing to get in. Inside the store, it's another story - queuing to pay.....It took us generally 30 - 45 minutes to pay.
SpringLily managed to get a good deal in CK - a leather jacket for $100. :)
Travelnutz got towels as she ended up with nothing to buy. There were good deals but good deals require time and patience. The most incredible part was people start forming lines outside stores that have yet to open around 3 am - Fendi, Bally, Burberry...
All in all, it was a learning experience...and it shall also be our first and last midnight madness sale.