Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Midnight Madness Shopping Trip at Woodbury

On November 24th, midnight, 5 crazy NY nuts are going to Woodbury to be part of the shopping madness! Based on last year's experience, SpringLily started the planning one month ago. Interested parties are gathered, the car is booked in advance and we are set to shop tomorrow. :)

What really happened during the midnight madness sale?
It took us 50 minutes to get into the carpark and it seemed that half of New York was awake and shopping at Woodbury. Unbelieveable - tons and tons of people shopping....

Tons of people also meant queues. The most traffic - Gap, Nike and Northface, probably 200 people outside the store queuing to get in. Inside the store, it's another story - queuing to pay.....It took us generally 30 - 45 minutes to pay.

SpringLily managed to get a good deal in CK - a leather jacket for $100. :)
Travelnutz got towels as she ended up with nothing to buy. There were good deals but good deals require time and patience. The most incredible part was people start forming lines outside stores that have yet to open around 3 am - Fendi, Bally, Burberry...

All in all, it was a learning experience...and it shall also be our first and last midnight madness sale.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

fashion dictator

Imelda Marcos has something new up her butterfly sleeve.

The former first lady of the Philippines is putting to use (don’t know if it’s good) her vast experience garnered from shopping sprees around the fashion capitals of the world with her husband’s load of public funds seized during his dictatorship.

She is launching for the common people the Imelda Collection of fashion jewelry, accessories and apparel recycled from her wardrobe. Yes. Selling the “Imelda Spirit”, as her daughter calls it. It could be toxic, I warn you. After all, this is the same woman who once declared it was her duty to inspire her poverty-stricken countrymen with ostentatious evidence of her extravagance, to be “some kind of light, a star to give them guidelines.” I guess she did it the only way a woman with her intelligence quotient knew to do: she shone, yes she did, with more trinkets, baubles, and sequins in her notorious collection of shoes than your most powerful Ray Bans can filter.

Why is she doing this? This is not about money. After all, money can only buy you food and silly things like that, but “only beauty can feed your soul and your spirit.” Sort of scary that a woman to whom perception is reality and truth is not is trying to dispense wisdom to a world where reality is based quite a bit on “food and things like that”.

Perhaps in the Marcos household, “let them eat cake” is still the answer to frivolous problems like poverty and hunger.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Of Britain and the British

I made a trip back to good, old jolly London last week. It was last minute and so was good fun catching up with friends. Interestingly, while I was there, I got a letter from my credit card company stating that I had attempted to draw 15,000 pounds from my credit card account. I found out subsequently that my check book was stolen (I did not even know that I had a check book for my credit card account). Whoever stole in obviously had too high an opinion of my credit standing and income and expected to be able to draw around USD30K from me. I made the usual calls and told the card company to never again send me a check book and disabled my card. Regardless, I continue getting letters for 14K pounds, 12K pounds and today 10K pounds. Obviously not too clever a thief.

While walking back to my apartment last night, I came across a film crew working a door away from my apartment lobby. As I checked with my doorman if anyone famous had came around, a film crew-member piped that Ewan Macgregor was coming by shortly. Apparently they are filming in an apartment in my building. Wow, I feel like I live in a real, cool building. BTW, the film is called 'The Tourist'. I hope it would be a smash hit and my building becomes famous as well!