Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Funniest of them all?

Over-Heard on a sub-way ride:
Don't subways need to stop get gas? How come they can run round and round forever?
(Question is not from a 6 year old kid)

Over-Cake and milkshake on an icy winter night:
Young Friend: I keep getting calls on my cell that are not meant for me.
Me: Think your number is recycled.
Young Friend: Recycled? I thought everyone gets one number and the number never runs out?
Me: What?!? If they do not recycle, you must increase the number of digits.
Young Friend: (Looks Confused)

Over-Drinks in K-town
Female Friend: My laptop broke and I keep getting an error message. I decided to shake it to see if it would become better. Instead, I got a new error message. My friend who works in IT told me I should not have done that. Worried, I shook it in a different direction to correct it.

Me: At the risk of losing two friends, I decided to share the lighter moments of life in the Big Apple. The last story reminds me of a Dilbert strip I read. Dilbert's boss could not re-boot his laptop and asked Dilbert for help. He was told to shake it. Satisfied, the boss left. Dilbert then whispered to his co-worker: "It seems the boss is not aware that we have given him an etch-a-sketch." Feel free to share which story you think is the funniest and other funny encounters.


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